Friday, August 20, 2010

Biblical Dating - What is it?

As a married Christian woman, I'm asked this question all the time by single friends. What is biblical dating?

Well, before we get into that, ask yourself this, "Am I ready?"

The first step in the process of moving toward dating or courtship is to evaluate yourself spiritually. Remember, the guiding principle here is that you are trying to be (or prepare to be) a godly spouse even as you try to find a godly spouse.

As you move into the stage of life where you begin to seriously consider a relationship or marriage, your first step should be to reflect on your own spiritual walk. If you aspire to be a godly husband or wife someday, what have you done and what are you doing to prepare for that ministry? The important part here is to spiritually posture yourself for that role.

In addition, are you at a place in your life where you are open and ready to date/marry? Practice and social recreation should not be your sole reasons to date. Biblical dating is for the purpose of finding a marriage partner. Side note: If you can't happily picture yourself married within a year, you're not in a position to date.

Lastly, once you decide that you're ready to date, look to the Word of God to decide the kind of person to date. Evaluate potential dating partners on the criteria that's set in the Word, rather than solely relying on the world's systems and ideals. We can often miss our blessing by getting hung up in the material.

Are you ready?


What is The Best You?

Sometimes in life work, family, and social commitments take the focus away from one special person, YOU! Are you happy with the direction your life is headed? If not, take this time to reflect on areas where you would like to improve.

When taking inventory, use the following steps:

1. Acknowledge where you are & be honest - This is not the time to beat yourself up but take into account where you're currently at in your life.

2. Formulate a goal - This is your time to vocalize where you want to be in life.

3. Ignite a plan - Visually put a plan in motion, whether a checklist or a board. Browse your favorite magazine and cut out items of interest. While this might take you back to the days of elementary school it helps. About 65% of the population are visual learners, therefore, in order to realize your goal you need to visually be able to see it. If you want to lose weight, cut out pictures of what you want to look like. If you want to be a homeowner, cut out a house and put it on your board. If you want to be married, start collecting a hope chest.

4. Start working - Look at your plan and start working towards your goal. Time is off the essence. If going back to school is in your plan, start researching some potential schools of interest. Continue to move forward.

5. Stand in anticipation - While you're waiting, believe that it's going to happen!

When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves
- Victor Frankl